8th Grade Class Info
Every quarter, students must select a book of their choice to read and complete a project. The book needs to be on the student’s reading level and be a minimum of 150 pages. Each book and project type can only be done once. Students will turn in a proposal for their book and project choice the second week of the quarter. Due dates for the projects are below. This is a major grade!
Due Dates:
Quarter 1 - Wed., October 8, 2014
Quarter 2 - Fri., December 5, 2014
Quarter 3 - Fri., February 27, 2015*
Quarter 4 - Fri., May 8, 2015
* The book chosen for Quarter 3 must be a nonfiction memoir or autobiography. Every other quarter, students may pick either a fiction or a nonfiction text.
At the end of each unit students will be given an unit assessment. These will be counted as a major grade.
At the end of each quarter, students will be given a district written benchmark. These will be counted as a major grade and may determine tutoring placement.
Throughout the year students will be asked to write essays and papers. These are always a major grade.
All papers and essays will follow MLA format. Final drafts must be typed, double space, Times New Roman, 12 point font, and with one inch margins. Students must print out their assignments before turning them in. Digital copies will not be accepted.
Vocabulary Workshop:
Students will be given a Vocabulary Workshop workbook at the beginning of the year. They will be required complete one unit every three weeks. Each unit goes over 20 vocabulary words.
Study Island:
This year students will have a Study Island account. Students are required to complete 45 minutes on ELA activities each week.
Students may occasionally need to complete projects, essays, and other smaller assignments when they are not completed in class.
Please check this cite regularly for updates on new assignments and due dates.